The Military Man are proud to announce that we have our very own in house Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician. Jay trained at the Mat Mondial E.O.D & De-mining school in Kosovo graduating in 2015 with an IMAS Level III certificate. Jay is trained in de-mining, disarming and demolition, making him more than qualified to professionally render any ordinance inert ensuring that they are free from all explosives. All of the inert ordnance we sell has been rendered inert and chemically cleaned to a safe, legal level, leaving an insufficient trace of explosives if any at all. We would like to offer the same service to any collector who would like to have the piece of mind knowing that their collection is safe and free from explosive material. Once the item has been chemically cleaned and de-milled, it is permanently engraved with a unique reference number, and certificate of compliance (to UK law) is issued with the same number. Photographs are taken of the item and printed out with a copy of the certificate and kept in our fire proof safe.
We accept orders from a single item or a whole collection. Ideal for a museum or any one wanting to put their collection on public display. Jay is also available for hire as a qualified E.O.D Technician should you fall foul to the law and need an expert opinion towards your case. Although under the current UK law , it is not mandatory to have your inert items profesionally certified, any one can claim and declare that an item is inert or free from explosives. Any one can pull a tooth out, but I am sure you would rather have it done by a qualified dentist who knows what they are doing!